In a lovingly designed garden, a staircase often poses a special problem – what kind of flooring should a sober concrete staircase receive? The answer is obvious: a tile covering on the stairs offers a variety of visual design options. We at P&D Paving and Landscaping will help you find a suitable tile covering!
Steps are the most efficient means of changing level, but note that in a garden, scale is very different than indoors. We are highly experienced with the creation of all types of landscaping projects including the creation of outdoor steps. Steps consist of the ‘riser’ (vertical face of the step) and the ‘tread’ (horizontal surface on which you stand).Indoor steps are typically 17-18cm riser height and 22-24cm tread depth. Outdoors, this needs to be very different as interior dimensions will only really work in tight spaces.
A general rule of thumb for garden steps is a 15cm maximum riser and 30cm minimum tread depth. This ratio produces a more relaxed angle of ascent or descent, resulting in steps more successfully proportioned to the greater outdoor scale. f you get steps wrong, they are potentially dangerous. They can also be difficult for disabled people. Well-designed steps do not need to represent a safety hazard, but there are some basic considerations. A single step is dangerous if people fail to see the change in level. If this is unavoidable consider a change of material along the edge of the step to mark its location.
We can assist with your planning and ensure that your garden steps not only look perfect, but functions safely!
We also can assist with lighting can also be added to identify the step from the side.
Talk to P and D landscaping today for all your garden step needs.

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